IT Support for the Accounting Industry


Accountants deal with the world of finance – one of the most valuable sources of data for cybercriminals.

The information you collect is critical to your day-to-day operation, so the technology you use needs to be both robust and secure.

There are additional security complexities from within your firm. Accidental data loss directly from user error and the threat of losing information from a malicious insider are common. Fortunately, there are several measures you can take to protect your team.

Get in touch below to discover how Shift.Support can help support and secure your accounting firm.


Our first step is to complete a preliminary Cloud Security Audit. During the period we will report on:

  • Azure AD User Login locations (up to 90 days of logs)
  • Mailbox Login Locations (up to 90 days of logs)
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Status
  • Microsoft Secure Score recommendations
  • Inbox forwarding rules
  • Transport rules
  • Unblocked Shared Mailboxes
  • Mobile Devices
  • Applications Authorized by Users
  • Applications with access to user data
  • External Sharing (up to 90 days of logs)
  • Activity from unexpected countries (up to 90 days of logs)

The Cloud Security Audit is designed to help Canadian businesses comply with Canadian Data & Privacy Laws.

Effective 2018, fines of up to $100,000 per individual impacted, apply to businesses who suffer a data breach and do not comply with the new Data Breach law within the Canada’s Privacy Act.

The Shift.Support Data Breach Readiness Kit assists with compliance by leveraging key Microsoft security technologies to protect your business.

The new laws require that a business must now disclose a data breach if it’s likely that someone will come to serious harm. Fines of up to $100,000 for Directors and up to $100,000 per impacted individual for businesses are considered for serious instances where a business is aware of a data breach but fails to notify the relevant parties.

At the completion of the audit, you will receive a report on:

  1. Recommendations to improve your security posture (including the ongoing monitoring of alerts)
  2. Enhanced Office 365 Licensing
  3. Improvements to Alerts
  4. Example Automated Investigation for forwarding rule alert
  5. Example Automated Investigation for external sharing alert
  6. Example Automated Investigation for unusual deletion alert
  7. Samples of advanced alerting with Cloud App Security
    1. Unexpected sign-ins
    2. Impossible Travel
    3. Mass Deletion Events
    4. Mass Downloads

IT Support for Accounting Applications

Need an IT Team with an understanding of the applications you use every day and their vendors? We have experience providing Accounting Firm IT support for:

Cyber Security for Accountants

We understand the importance of cybersecurity in protecting your business and your client’s sensitive information, this is why we offer enhanced security for in-office, mobile and work from home arrangements.

Cybersecurity is a prime concern for accounting firms. Not only are accountants subject to strict regulations, but they’re also highly targeted by bad actors. Once an attacker gains access, they will often attempt to exploit the trusted relationship between accountant and client.

We can help your team connected & data protected by:

  • Enhancing phishing detection to block or notify on emails that impersonate trusted senders.
  • Quickly and securely onboarding and offboarding team members.
  • Wiping company data from departing employee’s devices.
  • Monitoring for suspicious activities by insiders including mass deletes, mass downloads and insecure sending of sensitive information.
  • Protecting against external attackers with multi-factor authentication, single sign-on and conditional access.

How do we support & secure your business?


Our layered security tools protect your computers and mobile devices from unauthorized access and control. We apply policies to devices that hold your company data to ensure it’s encrypted and can be wiped when necessary.


We apply controls to monitor and protect your data from unauthorized access or deletion. Sensitive data types can be prevented from leaving the organization via insecure methods, and suspicious behaviours are highlighted and investigated.


We secure your accounts against compromise using multi-factor authentication, single-sign on and conditional access. This ensures that your data can only be accessed by the right people on the right devices.


We actively monitor your servers and network infrastructure for anomalies. We keep your operating systems, core applications and network devices patched and up to date so your business stays productive and protected.


We secure your productivity apps with Microsoft Cloud App Security. Monitoring for access by infrequent countries, impossible travel activities and unusual sign in properties.


Our 5 star support team provides expert service, advice and end-user security training. Our quarterly IT strategy reviews help you stay on top of issues and learn how best to utilize your technology.

But don't just take our word for it...

Contact Us if…

  • You’re ready for an IT provider who gets your industry
  • You’re tired of feeling unsupported
  • You’re tired of a slow network
  • You’re concerned about security
  • You’re tired of having an unclear vision for your IT
  • Your systems keep breaking down


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